Assigned as: Yuri;
Created on: 3/22-93;
Abnormal: male;
Connected to: my IPod, Sidekick, && Lappy D: ...and ..friends o.o
Defect: I judge people on first impressions...and I wanna stop >w>
Etcetera? Yuri's just a photoshop hoe :D~ he isn't really mellow because he's hyper.on special D:
You're viewing Version 3 of infitialismemory. The theme of the layout is oviously, Demyx from KH2. I was viewing his history on the game && it was interesting. So, I found some official art on a fanlisting site and extracted Demyx, & his Water Satar.
I got inspiration from a site I found on Olette, and I just had a brain burst xD. So I just picked a screenshot of Demyx dying from the battle with Sora D:
Uh, I love the borders around the image and I love the simplicity of it. I only used one texture and no brushes ^^. So, im pretty proud of meh self o.o
Designer: Yuri
Hosting: .
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Css: PS7;Div;Notepad
Sources: .
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Stylesheet: [